Thursday, December 22, 2011

Awesome Pizza dough

This recipe comes from a friend of mine who used to own a pizza restaurant.  =)

2 Cups water (110 degrees)
1 1/2 tsp. yeast
1/8 Cup sugar
1 tsp. salt (original recipe is 1/2 tsp)
5 cups flour
1/4 C. oil

Put water into mixing bowl.  Add yeast, salt, and sugar.  (Sometimes I add the salt here, sometimes later to preserve the yeast.)  Let set until yeast is soft.  Add two cups of flour and mix well.  Add remaining flour all at once.  Mix by hand, folding in from the edges.  Dough should be stiff.  Now add the oil.  Mix until all the oil is absorbed.  Cover and let rise, approximately 30 minutes.
The last time I made pizza, I used the Kitchen Aid with the dough hook for about five minutes because I didn't have time to let it rest in the fridge, and it actually turned out heavenly--couldn't get enough!!

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